Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello :)

So, this blogging thing is completely new to me, but i am ready to try it out!
I'll start with this entry:
Right now i am house sitting at my sister in law's. It's super fun having some alone time with Blake! :) (Blake is my husband and we live at my parents for the time being). Kylie (my sister in law) has a dog named Daja and she doesn't like being alone. She follows me even to the bathroom! The poor pug has an ear infection and we need to clean her ear twice a day and give her 5-6 drops also. That's the first time i've ever had to give medicine to a dog... I usually can't do it cuz i can't be aggressive with animals enough to get them to swallow pills or stay still for treatments.
The end of that.

Here's another note:
I got the highest score in my Biopsychology class' Test #2! and i also FLUNKED my math test with a 36/120........... Stats is DEFINITELY NOT for everyone.

That's all i have right now! Toodles! (is that how you spell it??)


Bertha said...

Its okay i flunk tests all the time :D lol

~*ARroz*~ said...

I am definitely glad i'm not the only one :P

mavispuford said...

You're butt is not big and round. It is hot! :D

Ps. Awesome blog Babe! I love you!


~*ARroz*~ said...

Yay! :D
When i get home i will upload pictures.
Ps- i love you :)

You guys rock for writing in my blog! :D

Deliz said...
